So it is very clear to me the way I do add value to business. I take information technology service providers, understand their offering and match them with companies that demand that kind of application development. It's a win win role I do for both parts. And I feel I do it well and fair. There's no hidden agenda but the pure objective of making everybody involved happy and mainly satisfied about achieving their goal. People who hear about this business model, even the ones that have been directly benefited by it, praise it. And I love playing the role of broker and even going further as to pitch in with new ideas and business opportunities that have been effective as well.
The difficult part is collecting my dollar worth for it. And not because the parties involved don't want to pay up. It's just because the right time to collect is, at least for me, not clear in any way: nor in timing, nor in amount, nor in punctual justification. It's just too intangible, or at least is how I perceive it.
When I do share the issue, the immediate respond I get is that I should be collecting a finder's fee and I figure that that is perfect! But one thing is theory and the other practice. First I haven't gotten my lawyer to come up with the written contract. Maybe he is a lousy lawyer and I do have to go for somebody else. The second next challenge is to figure out who'll pay for the fee. Will it be the local company which I got the project for, or will it be the foreign company or the demanding company which I did find them the best solution out there. Should it be both. Other questions like: if it is the local offerers, would they have to pay me per project or per contact; meaning that I might get them a contact from whom they get several amazing and lucrative projects from.
At this point I would settle for someone to just counsel me on the subject. Or ideally several someones that can advise me on different points of view of the subject like communicating the concept to the parties involved, timing, the scope of my role and not only the financial part. I wonder are roles like this out there, out of Costa Rica, in India maybe where the offshore IT outsourcing boom started way earlier?
I am very exciting to be doing my broker / finder role, I love it and I do believe I am great at it; I say that because of the hard evidence so far. I know loving something and working at it with dedication pays off at the end, so I don't worry. I will keep on doing the day's work.
On Transparency and Trust
Transparency and trust are a lost art but something we all should try to
embrace not only to make our today better but also to transform situations
around ...
1 year ago